francine zubeil

Panique générale, livre d'artiste, couverture

Panique générale, livre d'artiste

Panique générale, livre d'artiste

Panique générale, livre d'artiste, couverture
Panique générale
livre d'artiste et une édition de six sérigraphies
articles de presse (revue et anthologie de livre d'artiste)
"Panique Générale par Francine Zubeil (Marseille, Edition de l'Observatoire, 93) est le deuxième d'une série de livres d'artistes « en aucun lieu », publié en une édition de 500, numérotés.
Ce très beau travail est la répétition dun négatif d'un corps de femme voilé, imprimé sur papier calque avec de courtes phrases imprimées en rouge sur quelques unes des pages de droite. Le texte se voit par transparence, montrant divers modèles de panique et d'anxiété comme indiqués par les mots. L'image ne change jamais, mais elle est imprimée sur les deux côtés de la reliure pour que l'image fasse parfois face à son pendant. Les mains semblent nerveuses, les doigts se cherchent mais ne font que se toucher. Il y a une tension dans les coudes pliés et la moue des lèvres.
Est-ce une communion ou un mariage ?
Y a-t-il vraiment « disparition » lorsque le mot disparition semble disparaître à la fin du livre en très petits caractères ? Quel est le mystère dans ce travail ?
Il est là.
In Umbrella n° 1 California, 1994
Looks how feminine roles are written, specifically the long-playing part of life. Between blood-red endpapers, the entire book is printed on milky white translucent stock, four blank pages of which introduce and conclude it. Within this dense veil, the same black and white photograph of an elelgant but anxious young bride appears on every page. Her face is turned away in shadow, and she is nervously picking her fingers, though otherwise composed. On every other page there is a single line of text, in frenc, printed in fine red letters. The first is, simply, Oubli, it means forgetting, inthe most common usage, but also neglect, oversight, omission.Allusive references to the perils of matrimony follow -its banal necessity, the sensation of suffocation, of crushing, but Zubeil also writes of the less simple confusion entailed by making such a pledge : the noise of emotion, the passion of this oubli. Though its components are simple and few, this is an exeptionalaly well planned book, in which detail is made to count. The image of the bride is printed alternately on the frontor back of each translucent sheet, for instance, which allows the complementarily alternating text to be legible, but also create a subtle rhythm of shadow and veil.As the pages are turned, the reversed image enters into colloquy with its twin; the first time this happens, ilduo appears on the verso, the possibility fortuitous reverse of oubli. And the last time the pages are turned, the photo is flipped, terminating an internal dialogue that hadclosed on the phrase, one no longer knows if one is lying about it. The word disparition in smaller type still, appears after an interval. Wether the mariage is understood as a betrothal to a particular man, or, only slightly less satisfactorily, as a vow of loyalty to a conventional social order, this is a book suffiently nuanced, even ambiguous, but utterly convincing.
in The Cutting Edge of Reading: Artists books by Renée Riese Hubert & Judd D. Hubert, Granary books, chapitre 4: Perturbations in our Reading Habits, 1995
livre d'artiste, 1993
72 pages, format 17 x 24,5 cm, Impression offset en 2 couleurs sur papier calque, couverture imprimée en sérigraphie sur carton, 500 exemplaires numérotés
avec l'aide de la Ville de Marseille le Conseil général des Bouches-du-Rhône, le ministère de l'éducation nationale et de la culture.
ISBN 2-909581-02-0
Collection en aucun lieu. Éditions de l'observatoire, Marseille.
80 euros
exposition et publication
Artist/Author, Contemporary Artits’Books, de Cornelia Laud et Clive Phillpot, éd. D.A.P./AFA, New York
ISBN 1885444079
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held at the Weatherspoon Art Gallery, Greensboro, North Carolina, February 8 - April 12, 1998.
Traveled to Emerson Gallery, Clinton, New York, August 31 - October 18, 1998; Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, Illinois, November 6, 1998 - January 3, 1999; Lowe Art Museum, Coral Gables, Florida, February 18 - April 14, 1999; Western Gallery, Bellingham, Washington, April 30 - June 27, 1999; and University Art Gallery, Amherst Massachusetts, October 29 - December 18, 1999 and other venues.
Book design by Renée Green.
Text by Cornelia Lauf, Clive Phillpot, Glenn O'Brien, Jane Rolo, Brian Wallis, and an interview with Martha Wilson by Thomas Padon. Color and black & white photos throughout; includes exhibition checklist, bibliographical references and index.
Artists in the exhibition are Kim Abeles, Kathy Acker, Sally Alatalo, Anonymous, John Baldessari, Amanda Barrow, Barbara Bloom, Christian Boltanski, Frédérick Bruly Bouabré, George Brecht, Stefan Wewerka, Bürobert, Michael Clegg, Martin Guttmann, Meg Cranston, Simon Cutts, Erica Van Horn, Hanne Darboven, Mark Dion, Helen Douglas, Telfer Stokes, Felipe Ehrenberg, Seamus Farrell, Ian Hamilton Finlay, David Fischli, Peter Weiss, Brad Freeman, Romeo Gigli, Liam Gillick, Nan Goldin, Gary Goldstein, Renée Green, Group Material, The Guerrilla Girls, Andreas Gursky, Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, Claudia Hart, Pattie Belle Hastings, Hirsch Farm Project, Christine Hohenbüchler, Irene Hohenbüchler, Jenny Holzer, Davi Det Hompson, Petra Soesemann, Alfredo Jaar, Ilya Kabakov, Yuri Kuper, Robin Kahn, Donna Karan, Leonardo Katz, Ron King, Martin Kippenberger, Komar, Melamid, Jeff Koons, Joseph Kosuth, Barbara Kruger, Sean Landers, Ruth Laxson, Ange Leccia, Sherrie Levine, Sol LeWitt, Margot Lovejoy, Ken Lum, M.M. Lum, Ross Martins, Scott McCarney, Regina Möller, Christian Phillip Müller, Maurizio Nannucci, Albert Oehlen, Christopher Williams, Kevin Osborn, Gary Panter, Charles Burns, The Paper Tiger Television Collective, Cornelia Parker, Philippe Parreno, Mark Pawson, Gilles Peress, Tom Phillips, Adrian Piper, Stephen Prina, Richard Prince, David Robbins, Andrei Roiter, Lyle Rosbotham, Dieter Roth, Jérôme Saint-Loubert Bié, Fernand Schmatz, Heimo Zobernig, Clarissa Sligh, Haim Steinbach, StopOver Press, Jake Tilson, David Tremlett, Rosemarie Trockel, Cosima Von Bonin, Jan Voss, Jeff Wall, William Wegman, David Tremlett, Lawrence Weiner, Pae White, Francine Zubeil, Martine Aballéa, Carl Andre, Robert Barry, Douglas Huebler, Robert Morris, Eleanor Antin, Ida Applebroog, Art-Rite #14 : Artists' Books, Mirtha Dermisache, Gilbert and George, Conrad Gleber, George Griffin, Dick Higgins, Warja Honegger-Lavater, Suzanne Lacy, John Miller, Bruce Nauman, Claes Oldenburg, Edward Ruscha, S. M. S. Issue NO. 3, Michael Snow, Andy Warhol, Judith Barry, Robert Barry, Angela Bulloch, Tacita Dean, Jimmie Durham, Tracey Emin, Douglas Gordon, Susan Hiller, Tracy Mackenna, and Simon Patterson.

Le bruit de l'émotion
6 sérigraphies imprimées sur polycarbonate translucide
80 x 120 cm